About CCFS
CCFS is the voice of over 4000 campus fire & life safety officials.
With its roots in the first Forum on Campus Fire Safety in 1999, the Center for Campus Fire Safety has advocated for fire safety at the nation’s institutions of higher education for over 20 years, incorporating as a non-profit in 2005.

- The Center for Campus Fire Safety (CCFS) is a non-profit, membership based, organization devoted to reducing the loss of life from fire at our nation's campuses.
- CCFS serves as the focal point for the efforts of a number of organizations and also as a clearinghouse for information relating to campus fire and life safety.
- CCFS members and followers reach throughout North America with growing international membership.
CCFS Mission Statement:
- To be the premier national advocate, information resource, and educational partner for campus fire and life safety professionals and the communities in which they serve.
CCFS Guiding Principles:
- Make everyone more aware of the personal responsibility that they have in fire safety.
- Educate and inform parents and students about fire safety so that they can make educated decisions.
- Encourage schools to upgrade their fire safety through market forces and legislative efforts that will result in incentives to provide higher levels of fire safety.
- Total fire protection relies on a “balanced” approach.
CCFS Vision Statement:
- The elimination of the loss of life and property associated with campus related fire incidents through systems comprised of education, engineering, and enforcement.
CCFS Goals:
- To be the national leader for improved fire and life safety at all colleges and universities by providing resources and educational programs to the greater campus community, and by assessing and promoting proposals for changes in national model codes, industry, and reference standards as they relate to college and university infrastructure.
- Develop self-sustaining revenue source(s) to comprise at least 50% of annual Center operating expenses.
- Grow the organization both internally and externally.
- Offer the most comprehensive fire awareness educational programs to campus communities.
- Provide a library of fire and life safety information including quality, relevant materials for all sectors of the campus community.
- To engage researchers, staff, students, parents, industry, and the community to work toward more fire safe and secure campuses.
- To provide educational materials and training programs that promote, expand, and strengthen campus fire and life safety.
- Support the nationwide issue of campus fire and life safety by actively participating in the development of codes and standards.
Please become part of our organization through membership or sponsorship:
If your organization is interested in being a part of CCFS, please contact us for details on how you can help to further the cause of campus fire safety and be a visible part of this growing and vital mission.
Learn more about our Non-Profit status